4 YouTube Video Slider WordPress Plugins (Free and Paid)

Have you ever wondered what exactly YouTube video slider WordPress plugins do? YouTube video slider WordPress plugins help you add clean, effective and SEO-friendly video slides on your site.  Also, you can apply text, image, hotspot and social media button layers to the slides. Basically, YouTube slider plugins let you embed any YouTube video to …

4 Tooltip WordPress Plugins 2022 (Free and Paid)

What are tooltips? Tooltips are the small pop-ups which trigger once they come in contact with a mouse. These tooltips hold a small amount of information about a specific thing, word or product etc. People often trivialize what these tooltips could do for their website. They can actually engage website visitors by briefing them about various …

5+ Author Profile WordPress Plugins 2022 (Free and Paid)

Regardless of what industry you’re in, if your blog doesn’t have author’s basic information, your blog will be considered as incomplete. Also, your users will never relate the content nor they will be able to give their exact feedback. But using author profile WordPress plugins you can fill the incompleteness of your blog. These plugins will …